$ 0.009230Latest price
-1.81 %Change 24H
$ 0Market cap
BLAST 696.27 MVolume 24H

BLAST staking

BLAST is a PoW blockchain with a limited supply, low fees a very fast transactions.The focus is to provide support for software like the cryptoBLAST video game.

What is BLAST?

  • Mining Algorithm: SHA-256
  • Merged-Mining: AuxPoW
  • Segregated Witness (SegWit)
  • Total Supply: 64,000,000
  • Rewards per Block: 10 BLAST Currently
  • Block Time: 32 seconds
  • Halving Interval: 640,000 blocks
  • Full Rewards begin: Block 50
  • Premine: None
Coin rating:
Total rating: 0 Avg. rating: 0